Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Back after long hiatus

Ever wonder if you could turn back time and do things differently? Would my current situation have been better had I acted differently? This raises a very potent question in my I living with regrets? As I ponder over this question and look back on the last three years, the metamorphosis seems surreal.

A new phase of my life began as I stumbled upon a unique role in a different city. As in any new city we struggle to find our feet, and I had my share of predicaments. However, being with family and indulging myself with books helped me reel back to the life I had long forgotten.

The journey also comprised a spiritual awakening and reinvigorating family values, helping me set my priorities right. Blogging and writing for pleasure took a backseat as authoring business stories found its way into my life. Surprisingly this lively, boisterous movie buff found solace in seclusion, though not to the extent of being an introvert; drawing parity between time spent with self and others.

Through all these experiences, I began defining my path. The choices I made, the answers I chased and the fight to avoid losing myself in the crowd, made me who I am today. And then the staggering truth came to journey was anything but regretful because during the course of it, I found me...

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Blogger Unknown said...

I guess in life the process of continuous learning & "un-learning" continues simultaneously...and surprisingly u discover so much more about ureself when chips are down/out of ure comfort zone..

5:28 AM  
Blogger Evanescent said...

Sure. but I believe that the unknown as well as the familiar, play an equally important part in helping us discover who we are. Familiar coz it shapes us and the unknown coz it prods us to introspect, thereby determining our course of action.

5:53 AM  

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